Celebratory 'Vaxications' Boost Travel Industry

Travel agencies across the country have seen a boost in travel inquiries as COVID-19 vaccines continue to rollout. A travel agent in Denver recently revealed that she has seen a 25% increase in inquires since the first round of vaccinations became available, and that she has started receiving emails from clients wanting to plan celebratory vacations in honor of receiving their first round of the vaccine. She claims that many of her clients aren’t even waiting for their second round to book a trip.

The movement may be premature, as the CDC has delayed its release of updated COVID-19 safety guidelines for Americans who’ve been fully vaccinated. To date, the CDC is encouraging those who have been vaccinated to continue wearing masks, social distancing and avoiding crowds. Dr. Fauci has even publicly expressed caution around post-vaccination travels, given the possibility of spreading the virus along the way. Read more.