Air Travel Demand to Fall for First Time in Over a Decade Due to Coronavirus

The International Air Transport Association (Iata) has predicted that the spread of the coronavirus will cause a decline in the demand for air travel for the first time in eleven years. This fall in demand will cause decreases in airline revenue, currently calculated to be a future loss of up to $29.3 billion. This financial impact is going to be stronger for those airlines exposed to the China market, with a calculated $12.8 billion of the total loss coming solely from China’s domestic market. These calculations are dependent on the virus being contained within China, with greater losses to be expected if the virus spreads to other countries. However, while Iata is predicting sharp declines in travel over the next year, they are expecting the demand for air travel following the coronavirus cure to give the industry an equally quick recovery. (The Guardian, 02.21.20)